Python SDK

Apideck offers a native SDK for Python. Choose one language below to see our API Reference in your application’s language.

Command Line
pip install apideck-unify

Getting started

The module supports all Apideck API endpoints. For complete information about the API, head to the docs. All endpoints require a valid apiKey so that's the only required parameter to initialize a new Apideck client

import apideck_unify
from apideck_unify import Apideck
import os

with Apideck(
    api_key=os.getenv("APIDECK_API_KEY", ""),
) as apideck:

    res = apideck.crm.contacts.list(service_id="salesforce", filter_={
        "first_name": "Elon",
        "last_name": "Musk",
        "email": "",
        "company_id": "12345",
        "owner_id": "12345",
    }, sort={
        "by": apideck_unify.ContactsSortBy.CREATED_AT,
        "direction": apideck_unify.SortDirection.DESC,
    }, pass_through={
        "search": "San Francisco",
    }, fields="id,updated_at")

    while res is not None:
        # Handle items

        res =