using Apideck.Api;
using Apideck.Client;
using Apideck.Model;
namespace Example
public class CompaniesAllExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
// Configure API key authorization: apiKey
config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "API_KEY");
config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new CrmApi(config);
var raw = false; // bool? | Include raw response. Mostly used for debugging purposes (optional) (default to false)
var consumerId = "CONSUMER_ID"; // string | ID of the consumer which you want to get or push data from (optional)
var appId = "APP_ID"; // string | The ID of your Unify application (optional)
var serviceId = "salesforce"; // string | Provide the service id you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). [See the full list in the connector section.](#section/Connectors) Only needed when a consumer has activated multiple integrations for a Unified API. (optional)
Console.WriteLine("Calling Apideck");
// List companies
GetCompaniesResponse result = apiInstance.CompaniesAll(raw, consumerId, appId, serviceId);
Console.WriteLine("Success", result);
catch (ApiException e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling CrmApi.CompaniesAll: " + e.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Console.WriteLine("Detail: " + e.ErrorContent);