How to register an OAuth app for Etsy

Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. This guide explains how to set up OAuth credentials for the Etsy connector in Apideck.

Before you start, you'll need:

Register your OAuth application

1. Create a new application

  1. Go to the Etsy Developer Portal
  2. Fill in the required fields:
    • Name: Enter a name for your application (typically your company name)
    • Description: Provide a description of what your application does
    • Who will be the users of this application?: Select the option that best matches your use case
    • Is your application commercial?: Select the appropriate option
  3. Complete the captcha verification and click "Read Terms and Create App"

Etsy - Register Application

2. Configure your application

  1. After creating your app, navigate to Manage your apps on Etsy's developer page
  2. Find your application in the list and click on it
  3. In the app details page:
    • Set your Website URL to your company website
    • Click on "Edit your callback URLs"
    • Add
      as a callback URL
    • Click "Save Changes"

Etsy - Configure Callback URLs

3. Get your API credentials

  1. On the Manage your apps page, find your application
  2. Click on the plus sign next to "SEE API KEY DETAILS"
  3. Copy your Keystring (Client ID) and Shared Secret (Client Secret)

Etsy - API Key Details

4. API Key Approval Process

Important: Your API key must go through Etsy's approval process before it can be used in production. Here's what you need to know:

  • Approval Status: You can check the status of your API key under the "See API Key Details" dropdown in the "Manage Your Apps" section. Look for the "Status" field.
  • Approval Timeline: The approval process typically takes 1-3 business days, but may take longer during busy periods or if additional information is needed.
  • Testing During Approval: While waiting for approval, you can still use the API key for development and testing purposes with limited functionality and rate limits.
  • Approval Criteria: Etsy reviews applications to ensure they comply with their API Terms of Use.
  • Rejection Reasons: Applications may be rejected if they:
    • Have incomplete or inaccurate information
    • Violate Etsy's terms of use or policies
    • Duplicate existing functionality without adding value
    • Pose security or privacy risks to Etsy users
  • If Rejected: If your application is rejected, Etsy will typically provide feedback on why. You can make the necessary changes and resubmit for approval.
  • Production Limits: Once approved, your API key will have higher rate limits and full access to the API endpoints based on the scopes you request.

For commercial applications, Etsy may require additional verification steps or documentation before granting approval.

Configure Etsy in Apideck

  1. Go to the Apideck Dashboard
  2. Enter the credentials you obtained from Etsy:
    • Client ID: Your Etsy App API Key (Keystring)
    • Client Secret: Your Etsy Shared Secret
  3. Review the scopes to ensure they match your application's needs
  4. Click "Save settings"

Required Scopes for Apideck Integration

For the Apideck Etsy connector to function properly, you need to request the following scopes when configuring your OAuth application:

ScopeDescriptionWhy It's Required
Read listingsRequired to access product listings from Etsy shops. This scope allows the connector to retrieve product details, images, pricing, and inventory information.
Read receiptsRequired to access order information and transaction history. This scope enables the connector to fetch order details, customer purchases, and sales data.
Read shopsRequired to access shop information and metadata. This scope allows the connector to retrieve shop details, policies, and other store-related information.

When configuring your OAuth application in Etsy, make sure to request at least the three required scopes (

, and
) to ensure full functionality with the Apideck connector.

Test your integration

After connecting your Etsy account through Vault, you can test the integration using the Apideck Unified APIs.

To retrieve products (listings) from your Etsy shop using the Ecommerce API:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-apideck-consumer-id: test-consumer' \
--header 'x-apideck-app-id: {APIDECK_APP_ID}' \
--header 'x-apideck-service-id: etsy' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {APIDECK_API_KEY}'

Start building with the Etsy API

Learn what else you can build with the Etsy API or explore the Apideck Ecommerce API documentation.

Interested in a personalized demo? Let us know.


Error: Invalid redirect_uri

If you receive an error about an invalid redirect URI, ensure that:

  • The redirect URI is exactly
  • The redirect URI has been properly added to your application's callback URLs in the Etsy Developer Portal

Error: API key not approved

New API keys require approval from Etsy before they can be used. Check the status of your API key in the "See API Key Details" dropdown on the "Manage Your Apps" page.

Error: Insufficient scopes

If you're receiving permission errors, ensure that you've requested all the necessary scopes for the endpoints you're trying to access. You may need to reauthorize the application with additional scopes.