How to connect to Microsoft Dynamics HR

To create a connection with Microsoft Dynamics HR, you will need to know your Organisation URL. To find URL of the organisation, you can use the following steps:

  1. Sign into your Microsoft Dynamics HR account.
  2. Press on the square ‘Dynamics 365’ on the left side of the page.
  3. Then, go to ‘My App’ and click on the square ‘Dynamics 365 – Human Resources’ and you will be redirected to your Microsoft Dynamics HR account.
  4. After that, go to your browser address bar and copy a link address (from the beginning till the /main.aspx/ ). It could contains words “” or even not. E.g. If your URL is You should copy “” and paste it in Vault.
  5. Now that you have your Organisation URL, you're ready to fill out your Organisation URL in Vault.

Microsoft Dynamics Vault connection