How to Connect to BambooHR

Handy guides related to BambooHR:

How to Find Your API Key in BambooHR

REMARK: It's recommended that a person with the "Account Owner" role creates the API key for full read/write access.

To find your API Key in BambooHR, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your BambooHR account.
  2. Click on your profile on the top right. Click on profile
  3. Select the "API Keys" section from the dropdown menu. Select API Keys
  4. If you don't have an API key already, you can create one by clicking on the "Add New Key" button. Generate API Key
  5. Copy your API Key value and subdomain to enter in Vault. Copy API Key and subdomain

Pre-existing Access Levels

  1. Click on "Settings ⚙️" button on the top right. Click on Settings
  2. Then click on "Access Levels" from the left navigation menu. Click on Access Levels
  3. Along with "Levels" click on
    button. Click on + button
  4. In the dropdown you will find the below mentioned three different access level options.

BambooHR provides the following pre-existing access levels:

  • Employee Access Level: For Employees who should never see sensitive information for anyone but themselves. (Not recomended for API Key owner)
  • Manager Access Level: For Employees who should never see sensitive information for anyone but themselves. (Not recomended for API Key owner)
  • Custom Access Level: For Employees who should never see sensitive information for anyone but themselves. (Recomended for API Key owner if no Account Owner Role person can create a key)

How to Create Custom Access Levels (for reading/writing data)

To create custom access levels and assign them to users, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your BambooHR account with Account Owner/Admin role.
  2. Click on "Settings ⚙️" button on the top right. Click on Settings
  3. Then click on "Access Levels" from the left navigation menu. Click on Access Levels
  4. Along with "Levels" click on
    button to create a new custom access level. Select Custom Access Level. Click on + button
  5. Enter a name for new custom access level and click on Next.
  6. Select customized access for this role and click on Next Step. Select custom roles
  7. Under
    What this Access Level Can See
    step, make sure you are on
    See About other Employee
    section. Check section name
  8. Now, select the types of permissions you want to allow this role to access for other employees. Select permissions to grant
  9. Save the changes and assign the custom access level to the desired users by checking it in
    . Click on the custom access level you created. Select your custom level
  10. Click on Add Employee button. Select the employee name from the drop down and click on Done. Add employee to custom role
  11. Once the custom access level is assigned, users with that access level will have the specified permissions, including the ability to create API keys with write access if selected.

Vault Connection Setup

Now that you've created an app connector with the needed permissions, you're ready to fill out your credentials in Vault.